This page is to ensure I never forgot the stupid thing that were done during the pandemic.
This is not about emotion or opinion but just the facts about what were done to me and others during the pandemic.
All the limitations are all mixed together so they therefore become even more nonsensical.

- When you went into a restaurant you had to wear a mask until you sat down and then you could take it of
- On an airplane you had to wear a mask unless you were eating or drinking – so the little bottle of water lasted a long time
- You had to wear a mask on the train and in the bus
- I saw people alone in a car wearing a mask
- Some shops did not allow you into the premises without a mask
- Some shops asked you to prove you were exempt, in spite of it wasn’t officially required
- First we were told; masks don’t work (so don’t buy any)
- Second we were told; wear a mask to protect yourself (masks were then sold out)
- Third we were told; wear a mask to protect others
- Now we are told; wear a mask in case it may work in spite of we never used to wear masks for the flu
- All people were under house arrest and only allowed out for one hour of exercise or to buy essential food
- An old man sitting alone in front of my local church enjoying the sun was told to move on as his action was not essential
- People in care home were isolated from family visits
- People were not allowed to see loved ones dying in hospital
- Social gatherings of more than six people will be against the law. Police will be able to disperse any such gatherings and fine individuals involved £100, doubling up to a maximum of £3,200
- People can only leave the house with a ‘reasonable excuse’ (such as to go to work or to buy food)
- Individuals can meet with one other person outside their household for exercise or recreation
- Meetings of up to six people permitted outdoors
Travel Restrictions
- Flights from some countries were not allowed to land in the UK (virus only takes direct flights?)
- Vaccinated people could fly to most places but unvaccinated were not allowed to
- Vaccinated could fly but unvaccinated had to take a test first to do the same
- When you came back from travel unvaccinated people had to quarantine for 10 days. A person from track and trace would show up, to check if you were home. To prove I were the one quarantining I had to show him my ID however the track and trace person did not have an id himself so when I refused he threatened with calling the police
- People from some countries had to quarantine for 10 days in a bad hotel for around £3000
- England, Wales and Scotland due to devolution, had different travel restrictions so essentially creating borders internally in the UK
- We were told to stay 2 meters apart, also outside
- Households cannot meet indoors at home
Business Restrictions
- Large businesses like Tesco could stay open but they covered the alcohol section as non-essential but you could still by shoes
- A small shoe shop however had to close; so to buy shoes you went to Tesco
- Cafes/pubs could stay open but only for takeaways
- Pubs had to close at 10pm (instead of 11pm)
- A local hairdresser stayed open and sold coffee as well to stay open but was closed down by the council and police and even had a large one ton sand bag placed in front of the entrance to keep the shop closed. The owners were fined £33,000 but the case were later dropped
- Card only, as cash could carry the virus
- You had to register to enter premises for drink or food but not in a supermarket
- You could only drink alcohol if you had food
- Proof of vaccination or a negative lateral flow test will be required for entry into nightclubs
- The public had to “protect” the NHS
- We clapped for them every week
- They danced in Tik-Tok videos
- They put people on ventilators
- They gave people Midazolam
- Outbreak started in March 2020
- First vaccines deployed in December 2020
- Full rollout over spring and summer 2021
- They said
- only one jab needed (didn’t work)
- only one booster needed (didn’t work)
- now some people had their 5th jab in 2 years
- get a jab to save other people (didn’t work as people were still infectious after the jab)
- get a jab to avoid infection (didn’t work)
- get a jab to avoid hospitalisation (didn’t work)
- get a jab to avoid death (didn’t work)
- Swine flu vaccine (1976), 1 serious event per 100,000 vaccinees, Vaccine withdrawn
- Rotavirus vaccine Rotashield, (1999),1 to 2 serious events per 10,000 vaccinees, Vaccine withdrawn
- Covid mRNA vaccines, 1 serious event per 800 vaccinees, Vaccine officially promoted
- 77th Brigade
- Counter Disinformation Unit
- Cabinet Office’s Rapid Response Unit
- Behavioural Insights Team
- Public Health England
- UK Health Security Agency
War on Covid-19 Sceptics by:
- 77th Brigade: 77th Brigade is an agent of change; through targeted Information Activity and Outreach we contribute to the success of military objectives in support of Commanders, whilst reducing the cost in casualties and resources.
In reality: A new report by civil liberties group Big Brother Watch reveals that the British army secretly spied on British citizens critical of Government policies during the pandemic. A former 77th Brigade whistleblower told Big Brother Watch that this shady unit targeted high-profile journalists, public figures, politicians and even ordinary citizens who shared their fears about Covid-19 and the lockdown. The Ministry of Defence, at the time, openly denied spying on the public - Counter Disinformation Unit: The CDU was “stood up” in the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport in March 2020 – with a particular remit to respond to false information about coronavirus circulating online. According to the government, the unit had previously been activated to monitor online activity related to the European Parliament election and the UK general election that both took place in 2019
- Cabinet Office’s Rapid Response Unit: The Cabinet Office’s Rapid Response Unit, launched in March 2020, was designed to identify and counter social media posts and other commentary from purported experts issuing dangerous misinformation, as well as phishing scams run by criminal fraudsters.
- Behavioural Insights Team: We create and apply behavioural insights to drive positive change and help people, communities and organisations thrive
- Public Health England was replaced by UK Health Security Agency: UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is responsible for protecting every member of every community from the impact of infectious diseases, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear incidents and other health threats.We provide intellectual, scientific and operational leadership at national and local level, as well as on the global stage, to make the nation’s health secure
Screendumps to preserve content.

People and Things to Remember

Funny how the lowest level is already MEDIUM
Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4


Boris Johnson
Stay home to protect the NHS?

Andrew Neil
